Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Day 57 - "I think you've got something there."

Today is all about Nothing.  We added three states to our map.  It is hardly noticeable as they fill just a tiny corner.

We slept in until about nine thirty.  It rained over the night which makes sleeping very peaceful and in the morning the air is cooled and smells so fresh.  When we got up we both had paper and computer work to do.   Martha had to balance the bank account and inspect the charges on our growing and growing and growing credit card.   I had to confirm and change some of our future RV Park reservations.  About noon we went over to the cafe at the RV Park.  It is spotlessly clean, a good variety of items to choose from, the food is good, and the prices are very reasonable.

We both had a BLT

Martha bought a 'Cherry Hill Park Cup' when we arrived.  It was $8 and with its purchase comes unlimited refills.   She is a Pepsi addict and has had the most fun refilling her cup on every possible occasion.

A Skype conversation failed so Martha had a brief phone conversation with John and family in Germany.

We fired up the truck about two thirty just to go over and fuel it up and stop at the grocery to pick up dinner for later.

What shopping center and day of mine is complete without one of these.

Then poolside in the shade to read for Martha

And some sunshine to think about 'nothing' for me.

 On a trip like we are on, living in a trailer and dealing with the frustrations that we face every day:  Metro schedules, buses, exhibits, lines, unfamiliar territory, quests for eateries, and each other's perceptions and thoughts about what we should do, it is easy to become a bit short tempered and frustrated with each other.  That is why it is important to have a nothing day every now and then.  And that is today.  Taking a break and just relaxing is really important.  During my working career most of my work days were 12-14 hours long.  Mike Copland did the same.  We would meet nearly every day late mornings for a Starbucks break.  For 10-15 minutes we would just talk about our day and things that were happening.   These brief meetings in my day served to remove all of the stress and tension and I found myself looking forward to these nearly everyday encounters.  Although I enjoyed my profession and miss it very much, it is the times that Mike and I spent doing 'nothing' that I remember fondest and miss the most.  

This 110 day trip that Martha and I are on is filled with historical sites, scenery, cities, and so many wonderful and beautiful places and things that I have never seen before.  I know that when I look back at this trip I will remember all of the days fondly and be very glad and appreciative that we could do this.   But most of all, I will cherish the days that Martha and I were together doing nothing, like today, and remember them as the best of all the days.  

I hope that in the course of your day you are able to meet with a friend, or partner, and just do nothing for a bit.  Thanks, Seinfeld, for the concept, and thank you for reading our BLOG, today, about nothing. 


  1. Mom is wearing my favorite sweatshirt!!!!

  2. You and Martha are "livers of life", enjoying the harvest planted so many years ago.
