Thursday, September 15, 2016

Day 46 - Headed to Pennsylvania

We left around 8am this morning for our 6 hour drive to Manheim, Pennsylvania.   We are only a hop away from Lancaster, the heart of Amish country, and Hershey, Pennsylvania.  I hope that I needn't explain what is in Hershey.  We are traveling on Jennie's birthday.  She is such a joy of a daughter.   We have been so lucky with all of our children, and now grandchildren.  They have given us so many moments that far surpass any trip or site a person could ever see.  Wonderful moments.  Happy Birthday Jennie.

Right after leaving this morning we had our first 'serious' mishap.  I missed an onramp to the freeway we wanted to take and turned left into a neighborhood intending to go around the block and back to the onramp.   AHHHHH! as soon as I made the left, which actually was like turning onto a side of a triangle, it headed backwards so there was no way to tell prior to the turn that is came to an abrupt DEAD END.  With cars parked in the street against the dead end fence it made the street even shorter I had to pull into a person's driveway to get the butt of the trailer out of the traffic street.  Martha had to go out into the traffic street and give me a "Hurry Back" sign to back out of this person's driveway and onto the traffic road so we could escape. It was a pretty stressful situation only about 15 minutes into our drive today.  Below is one of the many Pennsylvania towns we went through.

The rest of the trip went without a hitch.  The RV park was filled with trees and we worried about our satellite dish being able to site through the trees.  They had assigned an end spot for us that was tree free.  Perfect spot to line up with the satellites.  When I made reservations back in January I always requested a clear view to the SW if possible.  So far it has worked out.  We like our TV shows and the premiers are all coming up soon.

While we are here we look forward to a day in Lancaster and the Hershey Plant Tour.  Maybe a trip into Harrisburg as well.   Thanks for reading our BLOG.  


  1. HAPPY B'day from MT Miss Jenn...glad your "wrong way corrigan" moment worked can't really back up a flat tow car as front wheels want to go "cantiewhomphus" (is that a word)??...on our 3rd pusher & have only had to unhook one time in FL...GPS had us make a turn onto a NO outlet rd & had to unhook to get the 41 ft rig turned around...NOT fun...gotta have your Direct TV...we've gone back & forward numerous times with the rig to catch a view between branches...:-)

  2. Thanks Dad! It has been so fun sharing this journey with you - only wish I was in the passenger seat. We all miss you guys and say it almost daily! Hudson asked me the other day why I always say I miss grandma and papa, becasue I do! Should have spent my birthday at Hershey, that would have been more fitting :)
