Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Day 107 - Summary

38 States in 106 Days.   We started in Phoenix, then on to San Diego, then Tahoe where our 106 day journey actually began.

Along the way we managed to drive an unbelievable total of 18,184 miles.   And average of 171 miles a day.   Whenever we parked the RV we took the truck all over sightseeing, thus the huge mileage.  Our diesel fuel cost was $3,173 an average fuel price of $2.34 per gallon.  1,355 gallons of diesel and an average of 13.42 miles per gallon.  That includes time with and without pulling the RV.  The total spent for lodging at RV Parks was $4,452.   That is an average price of $42 a night.   Some of the parks were as little as $26 (Nevada) and some as much as $80 (New York).   Most of the parks seemed to be right around $34 a night.    We spent approximately $6,360.00 on food and meals out.  Park fees for things like the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame, Riverboat Cruises, Airboat Ride, Graceland, Grand Ole Opry, Dollywood, and some museum fees total approximately $845.00.   Mistakes, or you could say education costs: $3,045.  I hit our truck mirror once when backing into an RV spot, $345.  I broke a taillight lens, $35.  A mishap unhooking the trailer once, $2,500 estimate, but we will only have the deductible of $1,000 to pay.  And then the theft we had in San Antonio.   I would have expected it in Chicago, or New York, or New Jersey, but not Texas.   Anyhow, our loss there totals $1,660.  So out of pocket for losses, errors, is $3,045.   We expected some problems and maybe a theft so now we are more experienced.  Education costs money.  Is what it is.  And finally purchases.  We didn't buy much as we have limited space.   The biggest purchases we made were the Western Boots and clothes we bought in Nashville.  Other than those, we didn't buy much.  The total of purchases about $625.  That brings our grand total for the trip to $18,500.  If we subtract what we would have spent on food and fuel anyway, that is about a $5,000 deduction.  So out of pocket additional expenses the trip, including our educational expenses, cost around $13,500.  That is $127 per day, or $355 per state.  Currently the trip is on our credit card.  We have to get working on that before we travel much more.  

Martha and I did ok.   We had a great time and will be making our BLOG into a coffee table book for reflective viewing.  There were of course plenty of "you just missed the turn" or "we should have gone that way" or mismatched directions between the GPS in the truck and the one on Martha's phone.   All in all, it was well worth it.   People fly our flag from shore to shore.   America is a very nice country with such great diversity and friendly people.  (with the exception of one creep in San Antonio).  

There were several times that the internet in the RV Park was not fast enough to download pictures for the BLOG.   We went to Starbucks, and McDonalds and sat and did the BLOG.   It took about an hour a day to do it and I look forward to it each day.   It is going to seem weird now that I will not be posting.  Including our 9 1/2 month stay in the RV in San Diego, we have now completed 14 months of living in a trailer and are still speaking to each other and remain best friends.   Aside from the accident free travel, that may be our biggest accomplishment.   We are so glad we made the trip, so glad we could share the experience, and now its time to unpack and start paying for it.  
Thanks for coming along, we had 6,577 views of our BLOG and we appreciate all of the comments we received along the way.  We will be making the BLOG into a book and your comments included. The book will allow us to look back and see where we were, reread your comments, and  
spark a memory or two.

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